Dans la même rubrique
Post-doctorante FNRS Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine et Faculté de Polytechnique
Adrsse courrier: Université libre de Bruxelles, CP 133/01, avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50, B-1050 Bruxelles Adresse visiteurs: ULB - 4MAT - CP165/63, 50, Av. F.Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles - Bureau: UD1.205 alicia.van.hammeert@ulb.be
Projet de recherche
Unraveling the early medieval wood ash glass recipes through experimental glassmaking and characterisation of ancient glasses - the case study of Stavelot
Promoteurs : François Blary (Créa-patrimoine) et Marie-Paule Delplancke (4MAT, polytech)
Financement: FNRS
Date |
University |
Position |
1/04/2023 |
FNRS - postdoc |
1/10/2021-31/03/2023 |
KU Leuven |
Post-doc (80% between 01/03/2022-30/09/2022) |
1/10/2021-30/09/2021 |
KU Leuven |
PDM-mandaat |
1/09/2019-30/09/2020 |
University of Copenhagen |
Post-doc on ERC funded projec |
Présentation des enseignements
Archaeometry - B-KUL-F0YF6A (1 ECTS)
Analytische Geochemie - B-KUL-G0O76B (0.4 ECTS)
Archaeometry - B-KUL-F0YF 4A, B-KUL-F0YF5A, B-KUL-F0YF7A (5 out of 6 ETCS)
Analytische Geochemie - B-KUL-G0O76B
Travaux sélectionnés
Van Ham-Meert, A., Daly, A. (2023). Provenancing 16th and 17th century CE building timbers in Denmark–combining dendroprovenance and Sr isotopic analysis, Plos one, 18(2) e0278513, doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278513
Van Ham-Meert, A., Bolea-Fernandez, E., Belza, J., Bevan, D., Jochum, K.P., Neuray, B., Stoll, B., Vanhaecke, F., Van Wersch, L. (2021). Comparison of Minimally Invasive Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Strontium Isotopic Analysis of Medieval Stained Glass with Elevated Rubidium and Rare-Earth Element Concentrations. ACS Omega, 6 (28), 18110-18122. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c01939 Open Access
Snoeck, C., Schulting, R.J., Brock, F., Rodler, A.S., Van Ham-Meert, A., Mattielli, N., Ostapkowicz, J. (2021). Testing Various Pre-treatments on Artificially Waterlogged and Pitch-Contaminated Wood for Strontium Isotope Analyses. Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution, 8, Art.No. 589154. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.589154
Van Ham-Meert, A., Rodler, A., Waight, T.E., Daly, A. with Van Ham-Meert, A. (corresp. author) (2020). Determining the Sr isotopic composition of waterlogged wood – Cleaning more is not always better. Journal Of Archaeological Science, 124, Art.No. 105261. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105261
Van Ham-Meert, A., Rademakers, F.W., Gyselen, R., Overlaet, B., Degryse, P., Claeys, P. (2020). Sasanian copper and billon coins from the collections of the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium-insights using semi-quantitative analysis by mu XRF. Archaeological and anthropological science, 12 (10), Art.No. ARTN 239. doi: 10.1007/s12520-020-01191-2
Degryse, P., Shortland, A.J., Dillis, S., Van Ham-Meert, A., Vanhaecke, F., Leeming, P. (2020). Isotopic evidence for the use of Caucasian antimony in Late Bronze Age glass making. Journal Of Archaeological Science, 120, Art.No. ARTN 105195. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105195
Dillis, S., Van Ham-Meert, A., Leeming, P., Shortland, A., Gobejishvili, G., Abramishvili, M., Degryse, P. (2019). Antimony as a raw material in ancient metal and glass making : provenancing Georgian LBA metallic Sb by isotope analysis. STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, 2019, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/20548923.2019.1681138
Van Ham-Meert, A., Dillis, S., Blomme, A., Cahill, N., Claeys, P., Elsen, J., Eremin, K., Gerdes, A., Steuwe, C., Roeffaers, M., Shortland, A., Degryse, P. (2019). A unique recipe for glass beads at Iron Age Sardis. Journal Of Archaeological Science, 108, Art.No. ARTN 104974. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2019.104974
Van Ham-Meert, A., Dillis, S., Overlaet, B., Degryse, P. (2018). Glass and glass production in the Oman peninsula in antiquity reconsidered - chemical and mineralogical investigation of sands. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy, 29 (1), 93-101. doi: 10.1111/aae.12109
Deviese, T., Van Ham-Meert, A., Hare, V.J., Lundy, J., Hommel, P., Bazaliiskii, V.I., Orton, J. (2018). Supercritical Fluids for Higher Extraction Yields of Lipids from Archeological Ceramics. Analytical chemistry, 90 (4), 2420-2424. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04913
Van Ham-Meert, A., Claeys, P., Jasim, S., Overlaet, B., Yousif, E., Degryse, P. (2018). Plant ash glass from first century CE Dibba, U.A.E. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s12520-018-0611-0
Van Ham-Meert, A., Chernonozhkin, S., Van Malderen, S., Van Acker, T., Vanhaecke, F., Degryse, P. (2018). Assessment of Nanosecond Laser Ablation Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry for Pb and Sr Isotopic Determination in Archaeological Glass: Mass Bias Correction Strategies and Results for Corning Glass Reference Materials. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 42 (2), 223-238. doi: 10.1111/ggr.12202
Van Ham-Meert, A., Rademakers, F.W., Claeys, P., Gurnet, F., Gyselen, R., Overlaet, B., Degryse, P. (2018). Novel analytical protocols for elemental and isotopic analysis of lead coins—Sasanian lead coins as a case study. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s12520-018-0758-8
Book chaptersVan Ham-Meert, A., Degryse, P. (2022). Les isotopes du plomb pour l’étude des verres anciens. In: Bouquillon, A., Lehuédé, P., Le plomb dans les matériaux vitreux du patrimoine, ISTE Group, ISBN : 9781789480764
Van Ham-Meert, A., Overlaet, B., Claeys, P., Degryse, P. (2017). The use of μXRF for the elemental analysis of sasanian lead coins from the collections of the royal museums of art and history in Brussels. In: R. Gyselen (Eds.), Sasanian Coins, Middle-Persian Etymology and the Tabarestān Archive, (121-128). (Res Orientales). Leuven University Press. ISBN: 979-10-97059-00-2.
Van Ham-Meert, A., Deckers, P., Makarona, C., Claeys, P., Nys, K. (2017). XRF: toegang tot een nieuwe dimensie in de archeologische studie van metaalvondsten. In: Een vergeten tijd gedetecteerd Metaalvondsten uit de Vlaamse kuststreek 600-1100 n.Chr., (60-65). Vereniging voor Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek. ISBN: 978-90-823694-3-4.
Conference abstracts
Van Ham-Meert, A., Langbroek, M. Together or apart - what glass beads from Merovingian graves reveal about their trade and use in Western Europe. In EAA 2022, 28th Annual meeting, 31 Aug 2022- 3 sept 2022. Van Ham-Meert, A., Overlaet, B., Yousif, E., Jasim, S., Abi’el coins – local variations on a supra regional tradition. In EAA 2022, 28th Annual meeting, 31 Aug 2022- 3 sept 2022. Van Ham-Meert, A., Fernandez Diaz-Maroto, P., Waight, T., Barnes, C., Daly, A. (2020). Tracing the trade of timber through aDNA and Sr isotopic analysis. In: EAA 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting - Abstract Book, (80-81). Presented at the European Archaeology Association 2020, Budapest - online, 24 Aug 2020-30 Aug 2020. |