Anna Delle Foglie

Post-doctorante (Civis3i Marie Curie Actions)

CReA-PATRIMOINE - Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine
Université libre de Bruxelles • CP 133/01, avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50, B-1050 Bruxelles


Anna Delle Foglie est une historienne de l'art et ses recherches portent sur la période de la fin du Moyen Âge et la Renaissance italienne. Depuis novembre 2022 elle est chercheuse post-doctorale à l’Université libre de Bruxelles dans le cadre du Programme Civis 3i avec un projet de recherche intitulé : Michelino da Besozzo and the International Gothic style.
Elle a obtenu le titre de docteur en histoire de l’art à l'Université de Rome, La Sapienza. Sa thèse de doctorat a porté sur deux carnets de dessins du XVe siècle et le thème du transfert des modèles dans les ateliers des artistes. 
Elle a participé à un projet de recherche consacrée à la réception du Moyen Âge à l’époque moderne, sur l’Abbé Jean Joseph Rive et l’Essai sur l’art de vérifier l’âge des miniatures des manuscritis.
En 2019 a obtenu le prix Esordi pour la publication des meilleures thèses de doctorat en histoire de l’art de la Sapienza Université de Rome. 
Elle est l’auteure de nombreuses publications: deux monographies, articles dans revues scientifiques évaluées par les pairs, chapitres d’ouvrages collectifs, actes de congrès. Ses études concernent la peinture du gothique international en Lombardie et à Naples, l’histoire du dessin et de l'enluminure.

Domaine de recherche

Projet de recherche : Michelino da Besozzo and the International Gothic style.
Advisor : Valentine Henderiks, Université libre de Bruxelles
Co-advisor : Francesca Manzari, Sapienza Universitá di Roma
Secondment mentor : Bart Fransen, KIK-IRPA, Institut royal du Patrimonie artistique

The research project concerns a period in art history identified as the “International Gothic”, when, during the end of the 14th and the first half of the 15th century, a common artistic language, characterized by supreme grace and elegance spread in Europe.
This dynamic, transversal, and interdisciplinary phenomenon was developed in specific areas of diffusion including for the cities of Paris, Dijon, Bruges, Milan, Strasbourg, Cologne and Prague. 
The international gothic style was expressed in different fields of artistic production, from painting to illuminated manuscripts and from sculpture to jewellery created to best represent the aristocratic and bourgeois splendour of the court’s art.
This project intends to focalize the research on Italy, and in particular on one of the most important figures of International Gothic art: the painter and illuminator Michelino da Besozzo (1370 ca-1455 ca). One specific characteristic of his artistic personality was versatility and a delicate and refined taste for calligraphic linearism. Michelino da Besozzo worked in Pavia and Milan under the patronage of the Visconti family and he was celebrated by his contemporaries, especially by humanists.
This research aims to integrally redefine the figure of this artist, through a rigorous and complete reconstruction of his entire corpus of works: panel paintings and frescoes; illuminated manuscripts and drawings. The reconstruction of Michelino’s catalogue will be developed thanks to attentive archival research, verified attributions, and studies of historical and cultural context and the significance of allegorical and narrative iconographies.
A further objective is to bring focus to understanding the decisive role of Michelino da Besozzo’s relationship with Europe, in particular with French-Burgundian art, therefore investigating the Late gothic style as a phenomenon of extraordinary international cultural mobility of models and ideas.
This project for postdoctoral Civis 3i is structured entirely on interdisciplinarity because in addition to a specific sector of the History of medieval and modern art it includes the fields of: the History of books, of museum collections, of artistic techniques and library and archival Science.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101034324.


  • Anna DELLE FOGLIE, Il codice delle Enarrationes in Psalmos miniato da Michelino da Besozzo: Patristica e umanesimo a Pavia nel 1400, dans: Augustinianum, 63, 2023, pp. 479-506.
  • Anna DELLE FOGLIE, Il Libretto degli Anacoreti e il Libro di Giusto. Due taccuini di disegni tra Tardogotico e Rinascimento, con presentazione di Alessandro Zuccari, Preface Jeffrey F. Hamburger, De Luca Editori d’Arte, Roma, 2019. 
  • Anna DELLE FOGLIE, Francesca MANZARI, Riscoperta e riproduzione della miniatura in Francia nel Settecento. L’abbé Rive e l’Essai sur l’art de vérifier l’âge des miniatures des manuscrits, introduzione di Antonio Iacobini, préface de François Avril, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2016. 
  • Anna DELLE FOGLIE, Le Visioni di santa Francesca Romana e Gentile da Fabriano in S. Maria Nova. I riflessi del gotico "tardivo" nella Roma dei Papi dans: Storia dell’arte, vol. 132, pp. 5-24. 
  • Anna DELLE FOGLIE, La Cappella Caracciolo del Sole a San Giovanni a Carbonara introduzione di P. Robert F. Prevost e saggio introduttivo di Gennaro Toscano, Jaca Book, Milano 2011.

Liste des publications encodées dans DI-Fusion (dépôt institutionnel de l’ULB)