2. FR
  3. Membres
  4. Corps scientifique

BROHÉE Jean-François


Doctorant (FNRS - FRESH)

CReA-PATRIMOINE - Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine
Université libre de Bruxelles • CP 133/01, avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50, B-1050 Bruxelles

Jean-François Brohée holds a master's degree in pre-Columbian Art History & Archaeology and is licentiate in Art History & Archaeology (Contemporary Art) from the ULB. A classically trained violinist, he earned his degree in electroacoustic music composition from the Royal Conservatory of Mons under the supervision of Annette Vande Gorne in 2003. He is a freelance musician and sound technician active in experimental, acousmatic, electroacoustic, minimal, and improvised music since the early 2000s. In 2018, he undertook a PhD research project focused on the interdisciplinary study of Mesoamerican and Central American ancient sonorous practices under the supervision of professors Sylvie Peperstraete (CIERL, GEMESO) and Stéphanie Weisser (LAM) with a Mini-ARC "seed money" funding of the ULB. He holds a FRESH grant from the F.R.S.-FNRS since October 2019. His current research centers mainly on experimental archaeo-organology and musical acoustics. 

Titre de la thèse

Les instruments de musique mésoaméricains et costariciens dans les collections du Musée du Cinquantenaire et du MIM : approche didactique et développement interprétatif relatif aux données stylistiques, culturelles et d'acoustique musicale
Promotrice: Sylvie Peperstraete


J.-F. Brohée, « K’ayom amal, the Singing Anuran: a New Organological Variant of Classic Maya Period Double Aerophone », Revista De Arqueología Americana 40 (2022) 279–326. https://doi.org/10.35424/rearam.v0i40.1250

J.-F. Brohée, « Itzamnaaj yaxte’: análisis de una flauta efigie poliglobular del periodo Clásico maya conservada en el Museo de Instrumentos Musicales de Bruselas, Bélgica », Estudios De Cultura Maya 61 (2023) 93-135. https://doi.org/10.19130/iifl.ecm/61.002X4856001SM4
